I personally wonder if a religion could ever be built and developed on the principles of democracy by the construting believers all in tune with both in mind.?
Now thats the kind of religion I'd like to belong to., unrealistic dreamer that I am
i dare to say science and religion are two different animals.
they may try to explain similar things but in different ways.
i don't believe man will ever live without either religion or science nor would i want us too.
I personally wonder if a religion could ever be built and developed on the principles of democracy by the construting believers all in tune with both in mind.?
Now thats the kind of religion I'd like to belong to., unrealistic dreamer that I am
history has demonstrated:.
religion is following orders by implicitly trusting someone or something.. science asks questions.. religion purports to answer questions.. science seeks to disprove its own conclusions.. religion seeks to reinforce its own dogma.. science is error-correction toward adjusting for realities as they unfold.. religion internalizes against reality by mocking up a substitute.. science is the most recent development of the human mind.
technology proves science to be successful in advancing human progress.. religion disdains human progress and waits for the end.
All religions have roots of human ignorance and have been supported on that ignorance as history has shown
Spiritualistic beliefs have always been a proponent of fear of the unknown and have been a controlling and obtaining factor for men to empower themselves, so if ignorance is empowering
to maintain that power religions have to try and place blinders on men and have their sites set directly at the religiuos leaders. I liken this to in a way placing a box on the heads of the
believers.If power was achieved then power has to be absolutely maintained. Religions have never been a proponement to free thinking, analysis and discovery because of this very fact.
( You can use the WTS. as an example of this ) Kingdoms had to built and were built. But there is a catch to this thinking, for some people religion offers a sense of guildance and direction
and a way of life that they think is beneficial to them. This emotional sense of security is something science can never provide and can unintentionally dilute it.
I personally wonder if a religion could ever be built and developed on the principles of democracy by the construting believers all in tune with both in mind.?
Now thats the kind of religion I'd like to belong to., unrealistic dreamer that I am
i dare to say science and religion are two different animals.
they may try to explain similar things but in different ways.
i don't believe man will ever live without either religion or science nor would i want us too.
All religions have roots of human ignorance and have been supported on that ignorance as history has shown
Spiritualistic beliefs have always been a proponent of fear of the unknown and have been a controlling and obtaining factor for men to empower themselves, so if ignorance is empowering
to maintain that power religions have to try and place blinders on men and have their sites set directly at the religiuos leaders. I liken this to in a way placing a box on the heads of the
believers.If power was achieved then power has to be absolutely maintained. Religions have never been a proponement to free thinking, analysis and discovery because of that very fact.
( You can use the WTS. as an example of this ) Kingdoms had to built and were built. But there is a catch to this thinking, for some people religion offers a sense of guildance and direction
and a way of life that they think is beneficial to them. This emotional sense of security is something science can never provide and can unintentionally dilute it.
I personally wonder if a religion could ever be built and developed on the principles of democracy by the construting believers all in tune with both in mind.?
Now thats the kind of religion I'd like to belong to., unrealistic dreamer that I am
"i" who was marked as someone bad to associate with simply because i wanted to make enough to support my family and the approved professions (which our congregation was already saturated with) of window washers, carpet cleaners, janitorial services, and siding and window replacement workers did not appeal to me.
Follow your passions, follow your interests, follow your dreams because after all a career is a long time and it's your life, so make this your responsibility for your happiness and achievement
The WTS. have been continually saying for close to a hundred years now that the end of this system of things is about to occur, one hundred years from now they will be saying that very
same thing .......... so conduct yourself accordingly.........
christians are hypocrites.
christians, they love to talk about how loving, dutiful and compassionate they are, yet i have yet to meet one who does not practice hypocrisy to the highest degree.
their willful ignorance of the bible combined with their two faced idealism to preach it, has made us sick, hasnt it?
I should have added in my comments that the bible is not without it's in stringent values and that's very important to note. I didn't spend 20 yrs. as a jws to not take notice of that. Some of the
Sunday morning talks were encouraging and made me feel happy and content after taking them in. So let's give respect where respect is due. And isn't that the very reason man has used
the bible as a source of guidance for all these many years, of course.
please just add an http:// at the beginning of all of these urls, then copy to your browser address area and click away.. i really didn't like to read about how the jws won all these court decisions on freedom when they don't even let their members be free but still the article is balanced enough to leave a serious indent on the side of shane's head.. hawkawl.freeservers.com/mclean's%20cover.jpg.
It is estimated that one hundred jw's die every year around the globe for the simply reason of not taking an transfusion, an awful shame in a human sense.
Does it not seem scripturally correct to heal somebody when they are sick, Jesus did it when he came upon a sick person.
The bible says to respect life as if it was your own and Jesus's greatest commandment above all was to love one another !
Walk in his footsteps if you are to please god and so on..........
I hardly think by taking in blood from another person in an effort to heal them would be displeasing to god in a biblical sense, you can still respect the
sacredness of blood in it's meaning and give blood to heal and at the same time keep true to biblical guidelines.
The abstaining law was handed out to the people then at a time when the religious leaders thought the people were disrespecting the use of it.
Perhaps they were drinking it, and there is written history to support that. Perhaps they were dying their cloths with it or even painting with it,
but given the human social mindset at that particular time of history one can only imagine.
The WTS will never change their policy on blood transfusions and I mean never. All jw's know by now that many of their chosen flock have perished due to not taking a transfusion.
If this was to change abruptly the damaging effect would be too weakening to their power structure and they certaintly wouldn't take a chance at that.
All the best to everyone and keep smiling
christians are hypocrites.
christians, they love to talk about how loving, dutiful and compassionate they are, yet i have yet to meet one who does not practice hypocrisy to the highest degree.
their willful ignorance of the bible combined with their two faced idealism to preach it, has made us sick, hasnt it?
Good comments gang Auldsoul ...........I'm going to study up on eugenics I think I have some Idea of what it's about but need more info. thanks
Sure has been a lot of interesting feedback so far I'm glad someone did mentioned the fact that Christianity is not exclusive in hypocrisy department, there are many other
ancient religions around that run on hypocrisy............and please don't get me started on the WTS.
the bible says that the truth will liberate you or set you free.. the watchtower applies this to their religion as if their "truth" sets people free.. if that's the case, how were you set free when you became a jw?.
Truth on the truth !
please just add an http:// at the beginning of all of these urls, then copy to your browser address area and click away.. i really didn't like to read about how the jws won all these court decisions on freedom when they don't even let their members be free but still the article is balanced enough to leave a serious indent on the side of shane's head.. hawkawl.freeservers.com/mclean's%20cover.jpg.
It will bring forth light to the public in just how dehumanizing this religious cult really is !
Thank you Macleans
christians are hypocrites.
christians, they love to talk about how loving, dutiful and compassionate they are, yet i have yet to meet one who does not practice hypocrisy to the highest degree.
their willful ignorance of the bible combined with their two faced idealism to preach it, has made us sick, hasnt it?
Lt : I'm not backing down, I did say at one point that I only agreed with some of her essay not in awhole I just think she supports my theory on how men get caught up trying to interpret the bible and it's words to derive at scripture law and rightness, it seems to confuse both the interpreter and the receiver, and isn't that the reason we have so many religions fighting for power today. Why do men think it is necessary to live and conduct themselves in concordance off of 2 thousand yr.old social morals and ideals isn't that somewhat damaging for humanity.
Certainly it's empowering no questioning that, It always seems that whenever a person or group of people thrive to grasp at the spritual power of god in a effort to create a kingdom all humanity suffers. Maybe man would be better off striving for more realistic humanist values rather then striving for unrealistic spiritual values it would certainly bring the power back down to earth and at least put everyone on the same playing field.
My comments aren't wholly directed to LT............... By the way LT all the best on your upcoming wedding,........ I've always enjoyed reading your comments